Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Diet/Fat Loss Disasters: Part 6

Don’t set yourself up for failure. Too many people set unrealistic goals about diet and exercise. One of the most popular eating habits is consuming 5-6 meals throughout the day. People read about how popular this is and think that this is the only way to lose fat. So, they commit to eating 5-6 small meals throughout the day, even though it is very inconvenient.

This same person may be able to follow this for the first few days, but before you know it, they are so busy that they don’t make the time to prepare all of the meals. For whatever reason, they don’t prepare the meals, and then they get discouraged and revert back to their old habits feeling defeated.

Look: if eating 5-6 small meals is going to be a huge inconvenience, don’t do it. Find eating patterns that fit your lifestyle. Establish eating patterns that you can maintain long term. Not only will this allow you to lose fat, but it will increase your confidence because you will succeed. It is terrible on your self-esteem to set yourself up for unrealistic goals only to fail.

Set yourself up for success.

Ask yourself these questions:
-What eating patterns would fit into my life?
-Will I feel satisfied or deprived?
-What can I maintain for long term?

This may take some experimentation, but find what works for you. Don’t force anything.

One of the best methods I have come across is Eat Stop Eat. I have used this method myself, and it is by far one of the easiest, and stress free ways to fat loss. Click Here to see if it's right for you, too.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Today's Gym Lesson

It's been a very warm 85 degrees here in Louisville for the past 4 days. The best part: our apartment doesn't have air conditioning! It seems that the air unit is "broken." To put it short, the apartment complex we live in is a complete and total mess. The "customer service" here is ridiculous, and they don't give a damn about any of the tenants.

The good news: we'll be moving back to Paducah (that's a small city in Western Kentucky) in only 3 months. I can't wait!

Anyway, back to today's gym lesson:
Have a game plan.

Don't just go into the gym and decide what you're going to do once you arrive. You should have a program written out and ready to go so there is no guess work. Also, having a written plan will allow you to track your progress (you DO write down all of your workouts, right?).

Improving performance is what gets you results in the gym. This is true for fat loss, muscle gains, strength, speed, and any other modality you train for.

Two very important tips:
1) Have a plan
2) Write down everything you do

Friday, April 24, 2009

Completely Change Your Body in Only 28 Days

Okay, here’s the deal. It’s almost Summer. What activities do you have coming up? Weddings, vacations, reunions, pool parties? How would you like to feel confident in your clothes and/or swim suit at your next Summer event?

It’s almost May 1, which means Memorial Day is right around the corner, which is the official start of summer.

Now, I have a very important question for you: if you could completely change your body in only 28 days in only 6-7 hours a week, would you do it? What if I told you that you can lose more than 1-2 pounds per week?

The absolute best program for this is Warp Speed Fat Loss. This program was developed by the biggest fat loss guru, Alwyn Cosgrove. He has helped thousands of women and men lose fat, permanently.

So, if you are ready to lose those last stubborn 10-25 pounds, and want to do it as fast as possible, you really should try Warp Speed Fat Loss today.

It’s a 28 day program that requires 3 days of weight training and 3-4 “cardio” workouts. The workouts and meal plans are included, and if you follow the exact plan, you will get amazing results in 28 short days. Everything you have to do is given to you, so there is absolutely no guess work.

I’m not trying to push some gimmick on you. This program works, and it works very well. If you feel trapped by the stubborn fat on your body, now is the perfect time to get rid of it once and for all.

Here’s the way I look at it: why would you take 12 weeks to accomplish what you can in 4, especially with Summer right around the corner?

Look, if you are sick and tired of having those last stubborn pounds and you want to feel sexy and confident in your clothes, you should try Warp Speed Fat Loss.

Get the program, read it through, and be a little selfish for 28 days. Follow the meal plans, do the workouts, and you will absolutely love the results. I guarantee it.

Think about it: 28 days from now you could be leaner, have a flatter stomach, and feel much more confident.

Or . . . you could just keep doing what you’re doing and lose 1-2 pounds, if even that.

Those 28 days are going to come no matter what. What are you going to do with them?

If you are ready to finally get rid of those stubborn pounds and get a flat stomach, Click Here now!

If you do decide to do the Warp Speed Fat Loss program, please contact me. They recommend a few supplements that I feel are not necessary. I will also answer any questions you may have.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Diet/Fat Loss Disasters: Part 5

Be cautious of where you get your workout and nutrition advice. Now I’m sure you’re wondering, “Nia, why should I listen to you then?” Well, I urge you to be cautious about any workout and nutrition information you come across. You should have a very discerning eye. Many programs (exercise and nutrition) are designed for the sole purpose of making money. These programs truly don’t care if you get into shape or not; they just want you to give them money.

Some systems are also designed for you to stay on them, because the day you stop, you’ll gain your weight back. For example, programs that make you buy prepackaged foods like Nutri System, Jenny Craig, etc are designed so you keep giving them money. Granted, you may lose weight while using these systems, but more than likely you will gain it back the day you start eating normally. Don’t waste your money on products like these. Adopt healthy eating patterns and save yourself the money and stress.

Many supplements that promise you’ll love “five times more fat” are usually not effective. These supplements can be made for less than five dollars, but the producers turn around and sell a bottle for 40 or more bucks. Not to mention, a lot of the ingredients can be dangerous, and all of the ingredients may not truly be listed. And think about, these studies that say, “People who use X-supplement lost 4 times more fat than people who dieted and exercised alone.” Okay. Well, let’s say the diet and exercise only group lost .3 pounds. That means that the supplement group lost about 1.2 pounds. That’s hardly earth shattering. Don’t let statistics fool you into buying worthless supplements. Also, these studies can very easily be designed so the results come out in favor of the company.

Very few supplements are worth your money, but that's another post.

Back to the, ‘Nia, why should I listen to you?” question. You will only hear from me what I feel is the best advice regarding nutrition and exercise. You will not be told to buy worthless supplements or to do workouts that waste your time and don’t give you the best results. If a system is tried and true and I’ve used it with success myself and/or with clients, only then will it be recommended to you.

My motto is this: revolve your workout and eating habits around your life, not the other way around

On this site, you will only receive information that helps to save you money and time, find the most effective ways to lose fat, and enjoy your life in the most stress-free way possible. If you ever have any questions about something I recommend, please email me and I will answer your questions.

PS Don’t take advice from the “trainers” on the Biggest Loser. You’ll more than likely end up with a stress fracture and/or be miserable performing your workouts.

Muscle Building/Fat Burning Lower Body Workout

Yes, you can build lean muscle and burn fat at the same time. Granted, you may not burn as much fat or build as much muscle compared to training for each goal separately.

Today I had a great lower body training session. The gym I train at was practically empty, except for a few people doing the bench press and machines.

Today was a wonderful mixture of squats, RDLs (Romanian deadlifts), glute-ham raises, split squats, and planks. All of these exercises were in a slightly higher rep range than I've been training in, but it was a great change of pace.

Make sure you include exercises that hit your "posterior chain". The PC is the majority of your backside: hamstrings, glutes, and lowerback. Some great exercises are sumo-deadlifts, RDLs, single-leg RDL, long stride lunges, glute-ham raises, dumbbell swings, stability ball leg curls, and many others.

Make sure you train your posterior chain!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Diet/Fat Loss Disasters: Part 4

Resistance train! Too many people only diet to lose weight. If they do exercise, it is usually some type of long, slow cardio. Just relying on diet and cardio to lose weight is not that smart. If you want to have a lean, athletic looking body, then you must train with weights and bodyweight exercises.

When I say “train with weights” I don’t mean use light weight for high reps; that methodology is crap, and it won’t get you the body you want. Ninety percent of your exercises should be big movements like squats, deadlifts, lunges, pushups, dips, bench presses, overhead presses, rows, chin-ups and all of their variations. Bicep curls and triceps kick-backs are not going to shape your body. Spend your time on big, compound exercises to build a lean, healthy body.

If you only have 30 minutes to spare 3-4 days a week, you will be much better off spending that time training with weights instead of doing cardio.

If you are ready to get serious about your fat loss, check out the program I have used myself and with my clients. If you only want to train 3 times a week, check out Turbulence Training. You can try it out for 21 days for only $4.95!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Diet Disasters: Part 3

Drink water. I know you have heard this many times, but it’s repeated because it’s very important. I’m willing to bet that most people who read this are in a dehydrated state. Yes, you can be dehydrated and not know it. And just because you aren’t thirsty does not mean you are properly hydrated. In fact, by the time you are actually thirsty, it’s too late-you're already dehydrated.

Try to gradually increase the amount of water you consume each day. For instance, you can start your morning with a large glass of cold water. Try to drink water with all of your meals instead of tea, coke, milk, or coffee.

Being even slightly dehydrated can have a huge impact on your performance, mood, and thinking abilities. Drinking more water is a change everyone should make. And I bet when you do, you’ll feel much better, in more ways than one.

Seriously, do not underestimate the importance or proper hydration. As far as hydration goes, I don’t count items like milk, juice, and definitely not caffeinated beverages. Try to drink several glasses of pure water every day.

Simple, but effective. Don’t blow this tip off because it’s “too basic.” One of the biggest mistakes people make is disregarding the small stuff because all they care about is the earth shattering, head-line information. The truth is this: it’s the small, consistent changes we adopt that lead to the biggest results. Don’t search for the “latest and greatest” diet tips and tricks, because they don’t exist.

You must master the basics first.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Diet Disasters: Part 2

Have a stress free meal once a week. What do I mean by “stress free?” Well, this should be a meal you eat where you don’t worry about what you’re eating! If you’re craving pizza, eat it. If you want some chicken wings, eat them. You can’t restrict yourself from your favorite foods forever. If you even try, I promise you will end up binging on that food at some point. If you say to yourself, “I’m never going to eat ice cream again,” you are setting yourself up for failure.

Make sure 90% of your meals come from whole, natural, unprocessed foods. By eating natural foods you will feel better, have more energy, and give your body the tools it needs to burn fat and build lean muscle. Have a meal a week (or two if it doesn’t affect your progress) where you eat whatever you want. Life is too short to stress over food. For example, if you like going out with friends or your spouse on Friday nights, have that be the night where you order whatever you want. It takes all the fun out of going out to dinner if you have to stress over what to order! Keep things simple.

If you want a new way of eating that is completely stress free, you should check out Eat Stop Eat.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Gym Lesson

How often do you train your abs? How many sets, reps, and exercises are you doing?

Please don't get in the mindset that "more is better" when it comes to training your abs. You abdominals are just like any other muscle group. Think about it: one of the best ways to increase the size of a muscle is increasing the training volume. This can be accomplished by performing more sets and reps, or by doing high frequency training (training a muscle group multiple times a week).

So, if you are training your abs with several sets on most days of the week, it is very likely that you are actually going to increase the size of your waist. I doubt you want that.

I wouldn't train your abs more than 3 times a week; in fact, 2 is probably sufficient. Focus on movements that require stabilization such as planks, side planks, and ab rollouts (wheel or stability ball).

You should stop doing crunches and sit-ups. They put too much stress on your spine.

Also, you shouldn't constantly train your abs with high reps. Doing 30 reps of any ab exercise is not going to get you a flat stomach or ripped abs. A flat stomach is the result of proper eating habits.

Train smart.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Diet Disasters: Part I

Have you ever started a diet, lost some weight, and then all of a sudden have the progress come to a screeching halt? It happens all of the time, and I’m going to give you some tips to bring your fat loss back up to speed.

Over the next few days I am going to share a few tips you should consider if you want to restart your fat loss or just increase it with a little effort.

Diet Disasters: Part I

1) Sometimes it helps to count calories. For the majority of people, I don’t recommend they count calories. Counting everything you eat is an obsessive act and can lead to eating disorders. Plus, it’s boring, stressful, and takes time. However, there are times when calorie counting can be appropriate. For example: if someone is trying to lose fat but things are moving slowly, or not at all, then they should take a closer look at their eating habits.

Let’s say the majority of the food you eat is whole, natural, unprocessed food like lean meats, lots of fruits and vegetables, nuts, and beans. You have also greatly limited starches and grains (bread, pasta, crackers, white potatoes, etc). Even though you have done all of this, your progress has stalled. This is a good time to further analyze your diet, and temporary calorie counting might do the trick.

Count the calories of the foods you eat on a consistent basis and look for hidden calories. Are you stopping by Starbuck’s several times a week? If so, you could easily be consuming hundreds, if not thousands, of extra calories consisting of sugar and fat each week. Another item people overlook is plain ole coffee cream that they pour in their coffee. If you actually measured the amount of cream and/or sugar that you put into your coffee every day, you would probably be amazed at how much you actually use. You could easily be consuming hundreds of calories worth of sugar and fat and not even realize it.

Another area where calories could be sneaking in is with salad dressings. Make an effort to measure the amount you are actually using.

I’m not telling you to stop putting cream in your coffee or eat your salads without dressing. What I am telling you to do, however, is to measure how much of these items you use for about a week. Once you do that and have a visual of how many extra calories you are consuming, you should make an effort to reduce those calories. Try to use less cream and/or dressing. Try to find a low-calorie alternative. Do whatever you can to bring these numbers down, and I guarantee your fat loss will pick up.

If you truly want to try a new way to lose fat that is all about being stress-free, then do yourself a favor and check out Eat Stop Eat. The pride of this system is the fact that it is meant to be stress free. Check out Eat Stop Eat now.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Fasting for Fat Loss

I’m sure you have heard about people who fast to lose fat. Heck, maybe you’ve even considered it or tried it for yourself.

The method I am most common with is intermittent fasting: you fast for about 24 hours once or twice a week. During the fast you can drink calorie free beverages, but you don’t eat.

Now before you say, “That is just crazy/stupid,” keep reading. I will admit it now: fasting is not for everyone, but neither is eating 5-6 small meals every day! I’ve told you before and I will never change my opinion on this: there is no perfect eating pattern for everyone. You must find what fits you and your lifestyle.

The only method of fasting I would recommend is Eat Stop Eat. The author, Brad Pilon, has taken every precaution and has studied this at length. His fasting methods have helped thousands of people lose unwanted fat. And I’ll admit it now: this is the only diet I have ever heard of that saves you money. Brad explains in his book that there are other health benefits associated with fasting.

If you are looking for an effortless way to lose fat, then I highly recommend you check out Eat Stop Eat. I have used it myself, and it definitely is very easy to use and follow. The best part is that you don’t have to spend time making food and cleaning up your mess!

Fasting is also very convenient when you are traveling. Instead of being tempted to eat fast food or other less-healthy options, you just fast during that time. That’s just a little “food for thought.” (Sorry, I couldn’t resist!)

There are several eating habits you can follow:

1)5-6 small meals throughout the day
2)3 large meals
3)3 smaller meals and a snack or two
4)2 large meals
5)1 large meal
6)Intermittent Fasting

. . . and I’m sure there are more

If you’re not happy with your current eating patterns, you should check out Eat Stop Eat. It very well could be the easiest “diet” you ever try.

If you do try intermittent fasting, I would recommend you contact me. There are a couple of areas where I have a different opinion then Brad: send me an email if you’re interested.

As always, before you make diet or exercise changes, consult with your physician.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

SPF KY State Championship

Yesterday I lifted at the Southern Powerlifting Federation Kentucky State Championship. I competed in the Juniors division (20-23) in the 123 pound weight class. Below is a video of my 300 pound deadlift.

Here's a video of my 145 pound bench press. I still don't know what went wrong here. I have lifted this weight numerous times. I think part of the problem was using a new bench, and my form is not nearly as good as with my deadlift. It took a while, but I got it up!

This is just an example of why women should lift heavy. As you can see in the videos I am not big and bulky as some people might expect. Ever since I started lifting heavy weights, my physique has improved. I'm leaner, stronger, and healthier.

Don't be afraid to lift heavy. It will help you build a better body, in more ways than one.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Are You Kidding Me?

Seriously, I am amazed at some of the "fitness experts" that get on TV. I was checking the weather for the day and I clicked on the Today Show. Their fitness expert was sharing her revolutionary techniques to get women (and men) fit.

First of all, she did some odd bodyweight movements that will get you a "Victoria Secret booty." Oh, and she said you should start out doing 40 reps but progress to 80 reps. After you do all these leg movements for 40 to 80 reps, then you get to use some water bottles.

Ugh . . . once again, you'll be doing "very high reps" with the water bottles so you'll lose fat. After all, high reps and low resistance is the best way for fat loss!

Yeah . . . right.

Those of you who have been reading the blog for a while probably already know my thoughts on this, but I'll share anyway.

I am sick and tired of these self-promoted "experts" who tell women to lift light weights for high reps to lose fat. That method is outdated, and it is uneffective. You are not going to get a great body by lifting a dang water bottle or soup can. I don't care if you lift it 200 times, it's not going to help you build a better body!

Ladies, you have heard me say this time and time again, but it deserves to be repeated: do not be afraid to lift heavy weight; you will not get big and bulky. Lifting heavy weights will help you lose fat and build a firm, athletic body. Please, never listen to someone who tells you to do 40+ reps.

If you perform big movements such as squats, deadlifts, lunges, pushups, inverted rows, dips, chin-ups and their variations, you will be able to lose and build a lean, sexy body. No water-bottle workout will ever compare. Ever.


Ladies, if you want to build a great body by working out only 3 days per week, then you must try Turbulence Training. What are you waiting for? If you're going to spend time working out, you might as well do a workout that is proven and has a money back guarantee: Click Here!

Guys, same thing. Stop wasting time and get results: Turbulence Training for Men.