Thursday, November 4, 2010

A New Favorite Exercise

So, I have a new favorite exercise. Well, it's not entirely new because I've done it in the past, but just started doing it again a couple of weeks ago.

Suspended pushups. Since I've started performing these instead of barbell bench presses, my shoulders feel excellent and my lower back hasn't been as "touchy". If you've never done them before, I highly suggest you give them a try.

On to today's training session.

1a) TRX (suspended) Pushup - 3 x 7, 1 x 12
1b) Chest Supported Rows with Neutral Grip - 4 sets

2a) 1 Arm DB Overhead Press - 30 x 9, 25 x 11
2b) Wide Grip Pullups - 2 x 6

3a) Bodyweight Triceps Extensions - 2 x 11
3b) Fat Bar Curl - 2 sets

That workout took 40 minutes, not including warmups.

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