Thursday, April 16, 2009

Diet Disasters: Part 2

Have a stress free meal once a week. What do I mean by “stress free?” Well, this should be a meal you eat where you don’t worry about what you’re eating! If you’re craving pizza, eat it. If you want some chicken wings, eat them. You can’t restrict yourself from your favorite foods forever. If you even try, I promise you will end up binging on that food at some point. If you say to yourself, “I’m never going to eat ice cream again,” you are setting yourself up for failure.

Make sure 90% of your meals come from whole, natural, unprocessed foods. By eating natural foods you will feel better, have more energy, and give your body the tools it needs to burn fat and build lean muscle. Have a meal a week (or two if it doesn’t affect your progress) where you eat whatever you want. Life is too short to stress over food. For example, if you like going out with friends or your spouse on Friday nights, have that be the night where you order whatever you want. It takes all the fun out of going out to dinner if you have to stress over what to order! Keep things simple.

If you want a new way of eating that is completely stress free, you should check out Eat Stop Eat.

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