Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Diet Disasters: Part I

Have you ever started a diet, lost some weight, and then all of a sudden have the progress come to a screeching halt? It happens all of the time, and I’m going to give you some tips to bring your fat loss back up to speed.

Over the next few days I am going to share a few tips you should consider if you want to restart your fat loss or just increase it with a little effort.

Diet Disasters: Part I

1) Sometimes it helps to count calories. For the majority of people, I don’t recommend they count calories. Counting everything you eat is an obsessive act and can lead to eating disorders. Plus, it’s boring, stressful, and takes time. However, there are times when calorie counting can be appropriate. For example: if someone is trying to lose fat but things are moving slowly, or not at all, then they should take a closer look at their eating habits.

Let’s say the majority of the food you eat is whole, natural, unprocessed food like lean meats, lots of fruits and vegetables, nuts, and beans. You have also greatly limited starches and grains (bread, pasta, crackers, white potatoes, etc). Even though you have done all of this, your progress has stalled. This is a good time to further analyze your diet, and temporary calorie counting might do the trick.

Count the calories of the foods you eat on a consistent basis and look for hidden calories. Are you stopping by Starbuck’s several times a week? If so, you could easily be consuming hundreds, if not thousands, of extra calories consisting of sugar and fat each week. Another item people overlook is plain ole coffee cream that they pour in their coffee. If you actually measured the amount of cream and/or sugar that you put into your coffee every day, you would probably be amazed at how much you actually use. You could easily be consuming hundreds of calories worth of sugar and fat and not even realize it.

Another area where calories could be sneaking in is with salad dressings. Make an effort to measure the amount you are actually using.

I’m not telling you to stop putting cream in your coffee or eat your salads without dressing. What I am telling you to do, however, is to measure how much of these items you use for about a week. Once you do that and have a visual of how many extra calories you are consuming, you should make an effort to reduce those calories. Try to use less cream and/or dressing. Try to find a low-calorie alternative. Do whatever you can to bring these numbers down, and I guarantee your fat loss will pick up.

If you truly want to try a new way to lose fat that is all about being stress-free, then do yourself a favor and check out Eat Stop Eat. The pride of this system is the fact that it is meant to be stress free. Check out Eat Stop Eat now.

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