Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Make Fat Loss Simple

I love the quote my Einstein: "Everything should be make as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Fat loss is no exception.

Too many fat loss diets and workout programs are overly complicated.

Is something is complicated, complex, and time consuming, what are the chances of being consistent? Not very good.

That is why I am going to tell you how to simplify fat loss so you can be successful once and for all.

1) Find an eating plan that works for you. If you don’t like eating 5-6 small meals a day, don’t do it. Find a plan that will promote health and fat loss that is convenient for you and your schedule. As I have mentioned many times before, I am a huge fan of Eat Stop Eat. I started using this program again last week. It is by far one of the easiest ways to eat for fat loss.

If you prefer more traditional methods, then adopt simple, healthy eating patterns. Eat whole, natural, unprocessed foods. It’s actually that simple. Try to consume foods that are in their natural state such as dry roasted nuts, fruits, vegetables, beans, lean meats, etc. Avoid products that are in a box because, more than likely, they are highly processed and full of refined sugars and carbohydrates.

2) Train with weights 3 days a week
. All you really need is 3 total body workouts a week. Perform compound movements that use as much muscle mass as possible. You don’t need to spend over an hour in the gym to get amazing results.

3) Perform bodyweight circuits or intervals
. Instead of wasting 30+ minutes on an elliptical machine, perform bodyweight circuits. These can easily be done at home, so there is no excuse for not having time.

Ask yourself this question: am I making fat loss too complicated? If so, look at the tips above and make an effort to simplify things.

What tips do you have for simplifying fat loss?

1 comment:

Steve said...

This article was really helpful, thanks for posting it. When I needed help with
sex addiction I knew that there was help that I could find.