Monday, January 3, 2011

Deadlift + Video

So I started off the New Year with some hill sprints. What did you do?

It's back to training today, and I'm starting from scratch. Now that I'm training in my **NEW** home gym, I'm "starting over" in a way. I know how much the bar weighs and how much each plate weighs - this can vary in gyms. There have been times when I thought I was using a 45lb bar when it was really 40lbs or a little less. That may not sound like a big deal, but combine that with plates that aren't properly weighted (a 45lb plate really being 41 lbs, etc) and you can have a big problem.

1) Deadlift - 215 x 5, 235 - 3 singles

2a) Deadlift from 2" Deficit - 135 x 4 x 10
2b) Hanging Knee Raise - 4 sets

3) Hill Sprints - 6

Here's a video with clips from today's training.

Great way to start the week.

I'll have more information on my training in the next couple of days.

Oh, and today is THE LAST DAY to get Fat Loss Detour for a big discount.

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