Monday, January 24, 2011

Training Stuff

On Saturday we ran some hill sprints in the snow. Good times.

So . . . I was scheduled to deload this week, but I'm postponing it until a couple of weeks from now because I'll be away snowboarding, and I highly doubt I'm going to make it a priority to strength train that week.

Today's Training-

1) Deadlift - worked up to an easy 205x7: felt really light today

2a) Full Squat - 85 x 5 x 10
2b) Hanging Knee Raise - 5 x 12

3) Barbell Shrug - 5 x 10 (yes, I'm giving my traps some extra attention)

Got the whole workout done in about 40 minutes, excluding warm-up.

The number of exercises you use is not important, but using the BEST exercises is important.

Get more done with less.

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