Thursday, January 6, 2011

Squat Day

So today I decided to record my squat workout. I did it for the primary reason of analyzing my squat technique, but I decided to share it with you as well. I'll explain a few things below.

Today's training session:

1) Squat - worked up to 115 x 5 Once again, I know I suck at squatting. Right now I am dropping the weight and focusing on improving my form. As you see in the video, I go well below parallel. For this squat my feet are in a wider stance, and it's my goal to hit parallel and then come back up. I need to stop a little shorter. The reason for this is because I want to get stronger in this lift.

2a) Full Squat - 75 x 4 x 10 (75lbs, 4 sets, 10 reps) Again, I dropped the weight and just busted out 4 sets of full squats. The differences between my full squat and regular squat are that I squat all the way down (obviously) and my feet are a little closer together.

2b) Ab Wheel Rollout - 4 x 10

3) Hill Sprints - 6

I still need to tweak my squat form a little, but things are coming along nicely. Slowly, but surely.

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