Friday, May 14, 2010

Upper Body Workout & Suicide Sprints

I didn't do my AM Conditioning session again today. Next week I'll probably do my conditioning workouts on my non-lifting days. That's the plan for now, but things could change.

Upper Body Strength Training Session:
1a) Weighted Chinup - 45x1, 35x2, 25x4, 10x8, bodyweight x 9
1b) Standing Military Press - 95x1, 85x6, 75x8, 65x10

2a) Weighted Inverted Row - 15x2x8, 5x12
2b) Weighted Pushups - 30x10, 35x6, 15x12

I was supposed to do an abdominal exercise but I decided to do suicide sprints instead.

Suicide Sprints to 4 Lines - Rest 3 minutes, 2 sets total

Those were friggin ' brutal! I haven't run suicide sprints in a long time, and those thoroughly kicked my butt. After that workout I tore up some vegetable fajitas. ; )

Make sure you check out today's post at The Fat Solutions => Nutrition, Squats, and Weird Looks.

Have a great weekend.

1 comment: said...

This is a great workout for advanced maintenance.

People who want to look younger can aspire to this type of fitness. Before this, it's all about quickly adding points of difference that make you look younger and stand out.