Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Gym Lesson and Upper Body Session

This is one of the most important lessons: write down your training sessions. How will you know you're improving your performance if you don't keep a record of what you do? If you write everything down, you can look back on your previous sessions and see what you have to do. When you repeat a workout, you should do 1 of 3 things:

1) Perform more reps with the same weight

2) Add more weight

3) Decrease your rest periods

If you do the same thing, you are not forcing your body to adapt. Never do the exact same thing twice.

Here is today's session:

1a) BB Incline Bench 95x2x5, 105x3x5
1b) V Bar Row 80x5x6

2a) 1 Arm DB Push Press 45x4x6
2b) Chin-up w/ 15 lbs 3x5, Bodyweight - 8

3a) EZ Bar Throat Crusher 60x3x9
3b) DB Hammer Curl 20x3x11

4) Lying DB External Rotation 5x13/13/10

Finisher: Leg Matrix Time - 3:05

I got this finisher from Alwyn Cosgrove's After Burn II program. You do 24 squats, 24 alternating lunges, 24 jump lunges, and 24 jump squats as quick as possible. My time wasn't great, but I haven't done this in a long time. By the time I started the jump lunges, it felt like someone was on my back!

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