Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Elliptical Machine is Not Great for Fat Loss

So, you want to lose some fat? Are you spending 30+ minutes on an elliptical machine multiple times a week trying to burn the fat from your body?

Is it working?

Sure, you may have lost a few pounds, but my guess is that your progress has stalled. Well I’m here to tell you that the elliptical machine is not great for fat loss. I don’t use it, and I don’t tell any of my clients to use it. There are far more effective methods that will melt the fat from your body in less time. That’s right: it is possible to get more results in less time. You just have to know what to do!

I have a challenge for you. Just try it, because you have nothing to lose but fat!

Instead of spending 30+ minutes on an elliptical machine, try lifting weights. Yes, I know it sounds strange but it has never, and will never, fail. By lifting weights you will make your body build lean muscle. No, ladies, this is not going to be “bulky” muscle. Trust me, you want this to happen.

By building lean muscle, you will increase your metabolism; that allows you to burn more calories throughout the day and night. In addition to increasing your metabolism, you will build a toned body. An elliptical machine doesn’t do anything to give your body a tight and firm look. You have to build muscle for that.

Time and time again I have seen women (and men) spend hours a week on an elliptical machine in an effort to burn fat. A couple months later they are smaller, but they don’t really look any better. They just have that “skinny-fat” look. They’re smaller, but they still have a good amount of fat on their body. Since they aren’t strength training, they have lost muscle, too. Losing muscle decreases your metabolism.

To truly get that lean, firm, athletic look, you must lift weights (or your own bodyweight). Instead of spending 30 minutes on an elliptical, try this:

Sets: 4
Reps: 8
Rest: 60 seconds between exercises
1a) Front Squat
1b) Dumbbell Bench Press
1c) Reverse Lunge
1d) 1 Arm Dumbbell Row

Perform 8 reps of each exercise, and rest 60 seconds between exercises. Go through the circuit 4 times. That simple workout will get you on the fast track to a lean and firm body. That is something the elliptical machine will never do.

Look at it this way: who has a better physique:
A) Marathon runners who spend hours doing cardio
B) Sprinters, gymnasts, or other athletes who engage in strength training

The answer is most certainly B. Muscle gives you a lean, athletic look. If you want that look, you have to train with weights.

1 comment:

Joneric said...

Hi i made a new blog related to your topic and wondered if youd like to do a blogroll link exchange to help both of us out? GreatEllipticalMachines.com is the site let me know!