Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Presses, Snatches, and Beautiful Badasses

I'm back to training 3 days per week. I'm using the same exercises as I was training twice a week. I just split them up into 3 different days so I have fewer exercises per session. This keeps my motivation high since I essentially only have 2 major exercises each day. Plus, I like being in the gym 3 days per week.

Here's what I just did:

1a) Standing Press - 85x5, 87x3 (I used fractional plates that I talk about in Progress: One Pound at a Time), 75x8

1b) Chest Supported Rows - 50x5, 45x8, 40x9 I switched from bent over BB rows to these because I don't want to overwork my lower back. It's still sore from Monday's deadlift session.

2) Standing Press from Pins - 80x2x4 (80 pounds, 2 sets, 4 reps each) This is my first time performing this exercise. I really want to bring up my overhead press, and I'm hoping this exercise will help out.

3) Finisher: 1 Arm DB Snatch - 30 pound DB, 28 total reps. I started out performing 4 reps with each side and then dropped down to 3 reps for each side.

Great training session. Tomorrow is definitely a rest day so I can prepare for Friday's squat session.

Check out yesterday's blog post at The Fat Solutions. It's all about Beautiful Badasses. Videos included. : )

Train hard. Eat smart. Get results.

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