Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hill Sprints & Books

I just got back from running hill sprints.

Today I ran the smaller hill at the park. "Smaller" in this case, however, do NOT mean easier. Since the hill is shorter, I had a shorter distance to walk down, and therefore less rest between sprints. I ran 10.

I can't speak highly enough about running hill sprints. In case you missed it a few weeks ago, I did a blog post about it at The Fat Solutions. Check it out here => Hill Sprints for Fast Fat Loss.

People ask me all the time what training books I read and recommend.

Well, the most recent two I read were Dinosaur Training and Strength, Muscle, and Power. Both are by Brooks Kubik. If you want a no non-sense approach to training, I highly recommend both of these books.

Have you read them? What do you think about them? Tell me in the comments section.

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