Saturday, July 3, 2010

Military, Chins, and Dips

Yesterday was an overall wonderful training day. The deload week did was it was supposed to.

AM Conditioning:
Hill Sprints - 6 sprints. I ran the large hill at the park

PM Strength Training:
1a) Chinups - 43 total reps
1b) Military Press - 75x3x5 (75 pounds, 3 sets, 5 reps), 65x2x9

2a) Parallel Bar Dips - 4x8
2b) DB Row - 65x10, 60x12

Quick workout, but I got a lot accomplished.

Today I'll run hill sprints again and take tomorrow off.

It's been suggested that I also post what I eat on a daily basis. Is that something you want to know about? Just tell me in the comments section.

1 comment:

alilstrange said...

Love reading about your workouts, they inspire me to keep things interesting - I started some simple hill sprints this morning as a result! And yeah, would be interested in seeing your food logs, I need healthy reminders of proper portion sizes so I can retrain my brain on what is appropriate and what is too much!