Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Workout and The Cure for Cardio ADD

So last week I mentioned that I was going to have to change up my training. I recently moved and so I am a good 40 minutes away from the gym now. Because of that fact I decided I wanted to spend less time in the gym, at least for now.

For the next four weeks I am going to be performing 3 total body workouts at the gym and perform 2 days of conditioning at home.

Here's how it's going to look:

Monday: Total Body Strength Training
Tuesday: Conditioning/Mobility Work
Wednesday: Total Body Strength Training
Thursday: Conditioning/Mobility Work
Friday: Total Body Strength Training
Saturday: Light Activity
Sunday: Off or Light Activity

I'm not sure how this is going to affect me because I haven't done total body workouts in a couple years. It will be intesting to see how my body responds since my main priority is improving my numbers in the deadlift, bench, and squat.

With all of that out of the way, here is yesterday's training session:

AM Session:
-Advanced Burpees 12/12/12/10/10 with 90 seconds rest between sets

Instead of performing this portion after my strength training session, I decided to do it early in the morning. This way I won't talk myself out of doing it after my main workout, and I can get out of the gym quicker. ; )

PM Session:

1) Deadlift - 225x3, 235x3/3, 245x2x3
1b) Front Squat - 95x12

2) Close Grip Bench - 105x3, 110x3, 115x3x3
2b) Close Grip Pushup - 15

3) Chinup with added weight - 20x3, 25x3, 30x3x3
3b) Straight Arm Pulldown - 100x12

4a) Hanging Pike - 10/8
4b) EZ Bar Curl - 55x5, 45x10
4c) EZ Bar Skull Crusher - 45x10/8

It may look like a lot, but I kept the rest periods fairly short and moved quickly.

And make sure you check out The Cure for Cardio ADD. If you get easily bored with cardio or you want some great workouts that will amp up your fat loss, you'll really like them.

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