Monday, November 15, 2010

Back to Training

So, I deloaded last week.

I ran hill sprints 3 times last week and played some racquetball, but that was it. My body was in desperate need of rest and recovery.

But today I am back at it. : )

This morning I went for a 35 minute brisk walk to get the day started.

Here's what I just finished up at the gym:

1a) Standing BB Press - 80 x 7, 75 x 7, 65 x 8
1b) Chinups - Bodyweight + 10 lb x 7, bodyweight x 2 x 8 (bodyweight, 2 sets, 8 reps each)

2a) Parallel Bar Dips - 3 x 8
2b) Inverted Row - 3 sets

3a) Bodyweight Extensions - 3 x 10
3b) DB Curl - 3 sets

I didn't feel incredibly strong today, but that's usually the case my first week back after a deload. Everything felt fine but I was just thankful to be lifting some weights again.

During this training phase I'm going to keep the weight a little lighter on every training day excepting when I deadlift. I really want to get my deadlift up as much as possible so I'm going to cut back on everything else to make sure that happens.

Tomorrow it's back to deadlifting.

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