Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Floor Presses

So, I felt like doing something a little crazy today. Since the weather has gotten colder I have noticed that I don't get hungry in the morning. In fact, for the past couple of weeks I have been making my morning shakes much smaller, and they're even a struggle to finish since I'm not hungry at that time.

Today I didn't eat before training simply because I wasn't hungry and I wanted to see how my training session would be effected. Everything went fine and I felt excellent.

I'm not telling you this because I think you should train in a "fasted" state. I simply prefer to eat when I'm hungry, and since I wasn't hungry this morning, I didn't force myself to eat before training.

I know, I know. Dozens of people would tell me it's stupid to train when I haven't eaten in 14+ hours.

"You'll lose muscle"
"You'll put your body in a catabolic state"
"You'll throw off the rotation of the earth"

Look . . . I don't care anymore about all of these "rules" that people have to follow.

I wasn't hungry this morning so I chose not to eat. Big damn deal. If it affects my performance in any way, then I'll change things. But until then, I'm not concerned about training "in a fasted state".

Anyway, on to today's training session.

1a) Floor Press - worked up to 115 for 3 reps. I suck at floor presses so I figure I should work on them. It was an easy 3 reps but I focused on keeping my speed up for each rep -- no "grinding" out reps.
1b) Chins - I performed 3 chins between each set of floor presses. I performed each rep explosively and kept the volume low. I just did this for a little extra "volume" on chinups.

2a) TRX Pushups - 4 x 10
2b) Inverted Rows - 4 x 10

3a) Lying DB Extension - 3 x 10
3b) DB Hammer Curl - 3 x 10

Great training session.

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