Friday, November 19, 2010

Cleans, Zercher Squats & Good Mornings

First thing this morning I went for a 40 minute walk. These are a great way to start the day.

1) Power Clean - 95 x 2 x 3 (95lbs, 2 sets, 3 reps each), 100 x 5 x 3

2) Zercher Squats - 85 x 2 x 8, 70 x 10 I haven't don't these in a very long time but wanted to do something different as well as a lower body exercise that didn't load my spine.

3) Good Mornings - 75 x 3 x 10 Again, I haven't done these in a very long time. I kept the weight light and focused on my form because my hamstrings are still sore from Tuesday's training session.

4a) Hanging Leg Raise - 2 sets
4b) RKC Plank - 3 x 30 seconds

I learned about the RKC plank from my friend Brett Contreras. It's similar to a traditional plank except your elbows are further out infront of your head instead of directly under your shoulders. This makes it much more difficult. Make sure you squeeze your butt and abs really hard throughout the movement. If you can't hold a traditional plank for at least 60 seconds, I wouldn't try this on just yet.

Not quite sure yet what's going on this weeked, but I'm sure there will be some racquetball involved. : )

Have a wonderful weekend!


Anonymous said...


Please make a great power clean instructional video for us. In the Youtube circuit, there are too many "crossfit" style of power cleans demos, which jumping is involved. My gymrat buddy informed me that jumping is wrong.
Please demostrate the proper skill by your instructional video. My PR is 70 lbs. with a barbell.

cheryl j

Nia Shanks said...


I am not the right person to demonstrate a power clean. It's a very technical lift and I'm not qualified to teach it.

Check out this video, hopefully it will help =>