Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Voting & Deadlifting

First thing this morning I drove into town to vote. I hope you did as well. But, please, know who and what you are voting for. I am constantly amazed at how many people vote but don't have a damn clue what the people they vote for believe in and the direction they want to take their state and the country.

Vote. But vote SMART. Know your beliefs and values, and vote for the people who believe the same thing.

Anyway, that small rant is over. On to today's training.

1) Deadlift - 225 x 36 reps No, I didn't do all 36 reps at once. I did a series of triples, doubles, and singles until I got 36 reps. I wanted to do something different today, and this was just the ticket. : )

2) BB Shrug - 195 x 2 x 10

3a) Negative Ab Wheel Rollout - 2 sets
3b) Steep Decline Situps - 2 sets

Gym Observation:
In the gym this afternoon I saw some people that aren't usually there at that time. One guy was deadlifting 405 from a 4 inch deficit for reps. I was so impressed; not because of the weight he was using, but because I actually saw someone in the gym deadlifting besides me!

This guy lifts hard and HEAVY. And you know what, this guy looks way better than 99% of the guys I see in the gym every week. There's a lesson here - lifting heavy works.


Gordon Wayne Watts said...

225 lbs for 36 reps is very impressive, even if they were not all at the same time.

Just curious ... did that pretty much take everything you had to get to 36?

Nia Shanks said...


Not really. I could have done more but I didn't want to overdo anything. : )