Monday, November 22, 2010

Upper Body Training

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend. It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is in a few days!

I started today off with a brisk 30 minute walk outside.

Here is today's training session:

1a) Standing Press - 75 x 2 x 8 (75lbs, 2 sets, 8 reps each), 65 x 9/8
1b) Chinups - 55 total, 5 reps each set

2a) Parallel Bar Dips - 4 x 8
2b) Inverted Row - 4 sets

3a) Lying DB Extension - 3 sets
3b) DB Curl - 3 sets

That was it for today. As you can tell I increased the volume by adding an extra set to the first 4 exercises (except for chins which were even more sets).

Tomorrow I deadlift. : )

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