Monday, March 28, 2011

The Last 2 Training Days

Okay, so I did my workout yesterday early afternoon. As I mentioned previously, I brought my feet in a little with my sumo deadlift. My knee felt fine and I barely noticed anything.

Until later that night.

I came to the conclusion that I have to be smart here. I have to look beyond this training cycle and "train for long term." With that in mind, I have switched the sumo deadlifts for conventional deadlifts.

I hate doing this because it's a huge kick to my ego - I can sumo deadlift quite a bit more than conventional. However, I have to keep next month, next year, and the next 10 years of training in mind. Gritting through this with knee pain would only cause problems down the road.

With that in mind, here's what I did today:

1) Deadlift - 195x2x5 Not too heavy, but not incredibly easy.

2a) Push Press - 90x2x5
2b) Neutral Pullup - 2x5 with weight vest

3) Squat - 110x2x5

4) Negative Ab Wheel Rollout - 1x7

5) KB Swings - 1x25 I also switched out the snatches for the swings because my shoulders didn't like the extra volume.

Other than changing my deadlifts and switching to swings, everything seems to be going well. Tomorrow is an off day.


Gordon Wayne Watts said...

In my opinion, you were wise to rotate lifts, as you did for the deadlift, but my gut feeling says that you will find best success in a very wide stance, almost out to the plates.

Nonetheless, as you rightly pointed out, the wider stance places more stress on the legs/knees (and also the posterior/hips).

Of course, that is (as I mentioned before) because of the inverse cosine relationship between the bisect angle of stance. (As you approach 90 degrees per leg -that is, a 180^ split, the theoretical stress multiplier approaches INFINITY! --as you might expect: at a very wide angle, it doesn't take a "rocket scientist" to see that you can fold more easily.)

Also, since the conv. DL works the back more in some ways that are beneficial, it is probably good to rotate lifts as you did here.

Gordon Wayne Watts said...

Since I posted that comment above, I was able to pull 320 off the 4" blocks, which is comparable to your pull from the floor, since you're shorter...

And I can look in retrospect to my earlier comment that gut feeling would tell me that you would have better success with even a "wider sumo" stance (I said "that you will find best success in a very wide stance, almost out to the plates")

Since my lifting style is similar (even though not the same) as yours, and -I- was able to make a new 1RM pr with a super wide stance, now it would make a good case that a my advice to make wider stance was good.

But, be careful: It backfired last time on you.

FWIW, when I widened my stance, I did my dead-level best to also keep my toes pointing out as close to 180^ as possible, which I say since I think it not be natural to spread your toes out at that wide of a stance --but probably helpful in getting you closer to the bar.

That's just my opinion, and I wonder if I made a new PR *because* of my listing style --or rather, "in spite" of it.

Anne said...

Nia - I'm so excited to try the 40 day program. I want to get better at the lifts and I think this is definitely the program I am looking for! Thanks!

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