Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Back to Sumo Deadlifting

So yesterday I pulled sumo for the first time in 3+ months. I didn't set any PRs, but everything went really well.

AM Training:
1) Sumo Deadlift - worked up to 265x3 (could have pulled it 2 more times at least, but stopped there)
2a) Glute Bridge - 3x10-12
2b) TRX Bodysaw + Pike - 3x10

PM Training:
1a) Floor Press - 125x3, 120x2x3
1b) TRX Inverted Row - 5 sets

2) Parallel Bar Dips - 2x10

3a) TRX Bodyweight Extension - 4 sets
3b) Towel Curl - 4 sets

I also made Shepherds Pie for dinner, and it was absolutely amazing! I may have to share the recipe. Speaking of recipes, check this out => Quick Yummy Recipe.

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