Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Floor Press and Other Upper Body Stuff

Today's training session went quite well.

1) Floor Press - worked up to 135 for a single, and then did a few singles with 130 and 125

2) DB Bench Press with 2 second pause on chest - 40x10/9/8, 35x10 These were tough but I am weak at the bottom of my bench press, so I'm using these to help get past that sticking point

3a) Chest Supported Row - 5 sets
3b) Chest Supported Rear Lateral Raise - 5 sets

4) Bodyweight Skull Crushers - 4 sets

That's it for today. Tomorrow will be more conditioning work along with some easy shoulder stability exercises.


Anonymous said...

Do you do any conditioning after training or just on your off days? If so, what do you like to do? Is it always interval type stuff that you often talk about?

Nia Shanks said...

I do my conditioning work on Tuesday's and Thursday's.

I like to switch things up because I get bored quickly with conditoning work. Lately I've been doing some walking on a treadmill at a steep incline, jump rope intervals, bodyweight circuits, and sprints at only 80%. Sometimes I'll do farmer walks with heavy dumbbells. My conditioning work changes quite frequently.

The jump rope is my favorite. You can get some info on that here =>

Hope that helps!