Monday, February 22, 2010

Time to Deload

I have to admit it: I hate deload weeks.

However, not taking them is what caused me to tweak my back and shoulder a few months ago. I learned from my stupid mistake and now force myself to take a deload week every 4th or 5th training week.

With that said I took Saturday's and today's workout easy. I'll be back to 100% and ready to hit it hard again come next Monday.

Saturday's Upper Body Session:

1) Speed Bench - 70x10x3

2) Incline Bench Press w/ Pause at chest - 4 sets

3a) Chin-ups - Bodyweight x 10/9/8/7
3b) TRX Face Pulls - 4 sets (I love the TRX because it can be used for so many different exercises. You can check it out here =>

4) EZ Bar Throat Crushers - 3 sets

Today's Lower Body Session

1) Conventional Deadlift with Bar on 4" Step - pulled 275

2) Very Light Wide Stance Good Mornings - 65x3x8

3) Very Light Front Squats 55x3x5

That was it for today. I can tell my body needs a break, so the rest of this week will be deload work.

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