Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Time to Change Things Up

Ok, so I decided last night to change things up today.

I'll admit that I haven't had a true "plan" the past couple of months. Sure, I wrote out a training program with the goal of getting stronger, but it was mostly comprised of some stuff I thought would be fun. I needed something fun after getting so bored from my previous training.

So over the past week I've been reading a lot of Dan John's articles and his awesome book Never Let Go. He is friggin brilliant. Period.

So, after reading about his 40 Day Program (you can check it out here), I decided it sounded fun, and even a little crazy.

I don't know if I'll do the entire 40 days, because as Dan noted in the article, he reached his goals around the 22 day mark. I'll stick with it as long as my strength improves.

Today was my first day on the program, and so I'm not entirely sure how I'll set things up. I'm just going to listen to my body and "go with the flow".

Here's what I did:
1) Sumo Deadlift - 225x2x5

2a) Push Press - 85x2x5
2b) Neutral Grip Pullup - w/ weight vest 2x5

3) Squat - 95x2x5

4) Negative Ab Wheel Rollout - 1x6

5) 1 Arm KB Snatch - 1x18

I took the workout fairly slow, and all of the weights felt light. I'm especially taking the squats very easy because the deadlift is my main focus.

I made sure every rep was perfect and I stayed far away from failure.

Looking forward to seeing how this goes.


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