Monday, March 22, 2010

Deload Workout: Bodyweight Training

Today started my deload week. Since I only did bodyweight exercises for my lower body, I was able to do everything at home.

Before I share today's deload workout, I want to explain why I am using primarily bodyweight exercises for my deload work. There are a few reasons actually:

1) I want to keep the intensity low because the last three weeks have been filled with heavy singles and high intensity training. The bodyweight workouts give my joints, muscles, and central nervous system a much needed break from heavy lifting.

2) Variety. The majority of my exercises the past three weeks have been done with barbells and dumbbells. The bodyweight exercises provide a change of pace from my normal training.

3) Higher volume. While many beginners and intermediates would do better with a decrease in overall volume, my training volume has been (for me) relatively low the past few weeks, with a higher intensity. The bodyweight exercises allow me to train with a higher volume since the exercises I will use are lower in intensity (no jumping, etc).

These guidelines would not necessarily apply to everyone, but they work for me personally. If you train with primarily with dumbbells and barbells, try doing bodyweight exercises during your deload period.

Oh, and one more thing. Even though the following workout looks easy, I have to admit it was a little tougher than I thought it would be. I kept the rest periods low and moved at a brisk pace, which make things a little more challenging.

1) Bodyweight Box Squat - 3x20 Well I didn't so much squat to a box as I did to a step. The step was about 6 inches so I squatted well below parallel.

2a) High Step up - 3x16

2b) Sit-ups - I haven't done these in so long, but it was a good change of pace.

3a) Back Elevated Single Leg Hip Extension - 2x12

3b) Ab Wheel Rollout - 2x8

I was going to finish off today's bodyweight workout with some interval training. Instead I'm just going to go for a walk outside. ; )

That's it for today.

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