Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Incline Bench and Upper Body Session

Yesterday was an off day from lifting, but I wanted to do something that required more effort than walking through a hilly neighborhood. So . . . yesterday I did some light kettlebell snatches and burpees. I performed those back-to-back and did about five sets. Quick. Simple. Effective.

As for today's training session:

1) Incline Bench Press - I was only able to get up to 125, which is what I did last time I performed this exercise. After that I could only do a few singles at 115. Just one of those days where I couldn't set a new PR . . .

2a) DB Bench Press with Pause at Chest - 45x10, 40x13/10
I managed to get more reps for each set than I did last week, so at least I set a PR with this exercise.

2b) Chest Supported Row - 4 sets. (For my back work I am performing at least one more set than I do for the assistance chest/shoulder exercises).

3a) Standing 1 Arm DB Overhead Press - 30x10/9

3b) Wide Grip Pulldown - 92x12, 100x8, 87x13

4a) EZ Bar Skull Crusher on Floor - 2 sets

4b) EZ Bar Curl - 2 sets

I'm going to perform an upper back exercise on at least one lower body day as well. Exercises such as face-pulls and other variations. Not anything too taxing, but I want to get my upper back stronger.

After the workout, I tore up some veggie fajitas. ; ) Good stuff.

Oh yeah. Make sure you check out Part 1 of my interview with Tony Gentilcore. You can catch that here => Tony Gentilcore Interview Part 1

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