Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bench Workout & The One Thing You MUST Do

I'm still planning out my next training phase, so things will change up next Monday. I'll give you the details when I have everything hammered out.

Here was today's training session:

1) Bench Press w/ Pause - 125x5, 135x3, 110x10

2a) Wide Grip Pull-up - Bodyweight x 6, w/ 10 lbs x 3, wide grip pulldown 100x12

2b) Standing DB Overhead Press - 35x6/5, 30x8 (I definitely prefer the one arm version of this exercise. It just feels better).

3a) Feet Elevated Inverted Row - 12/9/9

3b) Rolling DB Ext - 20x13/12

4) DB Curl - 25x6, 20x8

Short and sweet.

Today at The Fat Solutions I put up a post about The One Thing You MUST Do if you want your body to transform. It doesn't matter if you want to lose fat, get stronger, build muscle, run faster, or jump higher. You HAVE to do this.

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