Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bench Presses & Rows

Today's Training:

1a) Bench Pin Press - from chest 135 x 4/3, midrange - 145 x 4/3
1b) DB Row - 4 sets

2a) Bench - 115 x 10, 125 x 2
2b) EZ Bar Curl - 3 sets

3) 1 Arm DB Hang Snatch - 25 x 15

Check out yesterday's blog post at The Fat Solutions => Lose Fat & Improve Your Health by Playing, Not Exercising.


Gordon Wayne Watts said...

Dumb question(s) ... but I honestly don't know:

Where you say: "1a) Bench Pin Press - from chest 135 x 4/3, midrange - 145 x 4/3,"

What is a 4/3rds bench press? Is it, perhaps, a negative rep, and then 1/3rd of a positive rep back up??

Also, while I'm asking, what exactly is a 'Bench Pin Press'??

Nia Shanks said...


135 x 4/3 means I pressed 135 lbs for 4 reps on the first set, and then I got 3 reps on the second set.

A pin press is when you bench press from a pin in a power rack. The press starts from the pin so the don't get to use the stretch cycle that you would when you perform a regular bench press.

Hope that helps!

Gordon Wayne Watts said...

Yeah, that helps a little - I guess the 'pin press' is the equivalent to the rack pull for the deadlift - where you only use part of the full range of motion.

But, then I don't understand what you mean by the combinnation of mid-range and pin.

Do you mean that the 135 sets were done from from chest to part-way up (less than full range) and the 145 sets were done from mid-range to slightly less than all the way up? (In other words, clipping both the top and the bottom of the range on the 145 sets.)

Nia Shanks said...


"From chest" means I started the press with the bar just above my chest. "Mid range" means I started the press with my elbows at about a 90% angle, so it's the middle position of a regular bench press.

Yeah, like you said it's basically a "rack pull" for a bench and you can use different levels - full range, mid range, top part, and anything in between.

No matter where I start the press (bottom position or mid range) I press the weight all the way up to lock out.