Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Deload Week

As I told you last week, I am taking a deload week to recover from the last few weeks hard training.

Here's what I've done so far this week.

30 minute walk in the morning

1a) Standing 1 Arm DB Press - 4 easy sets
1b) Pullups - 4 sets 6 reps each

That was it.

1) RDL - 3 easy sets
2a) Reverse Lunge from 4 inch Step - 3 easy sets
2b) Decline situp - 3 easy sets

20 minute walk in the afternoon

I just finished up a 35 minute walk

Like I said, it's a very easy week. I'm making sure my muscles, joints, and nervous system get a break from the hard and heavy lifting. Next week I'll be back at it in full swing, and hopefully stronger since I'm deloading this week.

Check out today's new post at The Fat Solutions => You Should NOT Train for Fat Loss.

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