Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Gym Lesson and Today's Workout

Work both sides of your joints equally. For example: if you're going to do 3 sets of bench presses, you should do at least 3 sets for some form of rows. If you do 4 sets of overhead presses, you should do 4 sets of chin-ups/pull-ups. (Or at least an equal total number or reps). And if you are going to do more total reps/volume for a particular side, most people would be better off doing more pulling variations.

Work both sides of your joints equally. Don't be like most people and only work the mirror muscles. Make sure you give equal time to the backside of your body. If not you are setting yourself up for imbalances, injury, and terrible postural problems.

On to today's workout:

Before I headed off to the gym I did some foam rolling and corrective work, all while sipping on a cup of black coffee. A little caffeine never hurts. Just try not do drink several cups throughout the day.

1a) Bench Press 115x2x5, 125x5/4/4 (a new PR!)
1b) V Bar Row 70x4x8

2a) Standing BB Overhead Press 75x6/6/5
2b) Pull-up 8/7/6

3a) EZ Bar Throat Crusher 50x10, 55x3x8
3b) Standing DB Curl 25x8/7/6

4) Squat 100x10 (I just did these to work on my form)

5a) Muscle Snatch/Cuban Press (this is for external rotation work) 35x3x8
5b) 1 Leg Standing Calf Raises w/ 3 second pause 4x8

After that, I finished up with some stretching.

Just in case you're wondering: I am training for strength. Things would look different if I were training primarily for fat loss or hypertrophy.

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