Monday, February 23, 2009

Two Extremes & Lower Body Training Session

Most people in the gym can fall into one of two categories:

1) Those who do the same workout every day. They'll do the same exercise, with the same weight, for the same reps, for the same sets. And every exercise is in the exact same order. Absolutely nothing ever changes. I have literally seen people do this for years. It should come as no surprise that they look the exact same, too.

2) Those who change programs too soon. These are the people who are constantly searching for the "next best thing." They are always looking for the program that will give them the amazing results they desire. As a result, they never stick with a program long enough to reap any benefits. One week they try total body workouts, the next week they do bodybuilding splits.

Do you fall into one of those categories?

If you do, make a change; make it now. Pick a program that is conducive to your goals and stick with it. Give it your all, be consistent, and constantly improve your performance. That is how you get results.

For example: I am training to increase my strength; I am doing an upper/lower training split. I train my lower body and upper body two days a week each for a total of four training sessions per week.

Here is today's training session:
1) Wide Squat 115x5x5 (never done these so I was really focusing on my form)

2) Good Morning 110x6/6/5

3) 1 Leg RDL w/ DBs 25x10, 30x2x10 (these are a great exercise for your glutes, low back, and hamstrings. I can't recommend them enough)

4) Glute Ham Raise 4x8

5) Seated Calf Raises w/ 3 second pause 70x6x5

6) Stability Ball Rollout 3x12

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