Friday, February 20, 2009

Gym Lessons and Today's Training Session

Where to start? The original gym I go to was closed today becasue the boiler finally died. So . . . I had to go to a VERY crowded gym.

Now I'm not making fun of people who do stupid stuff in the gym. Heck, I've been guilty of it myself in the past. I'm just pointing these mistakes out so you don't get stuck doing the same things.

There were so many crazy things going on, so I'll only point out a few.

1) Anytime you are doing a chest press, make sure your wrists are straight.
2) When you do sqauts, do not roll onto the balls of your feet. That's an injury just waiting to happen.
3) If you want great arms, you are much better off doing pushups than triceps kickbacks.
4) If you want great legs, you are much better off doing squats, deadlifts, and lunges than leg curls and leg extensions.
5) If someone is spotting you on a bench press and their hands are on the bar screaming, "It's all you!" then it's not. They are helping you. Lose your ego and lower the weight.

There were plently more, but those should be sufficient for now.

1a) Sumo Deadlift 205x5, 215x3x5
1b) In/Out/Forward Calf Raises 4x9 each

2) RDL 175x3x6

3a) Close Grip Bench 100x2x5, 105x5, 110x2x5
3b) Sternum Chin-Up 6/5/5/5/5

4) Back Extension 35x3x10

5a) Dip 2x10
5b) DB Zottman Curl 20x2x10

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