Friday, February 27, 2009

Lower Body Training Session

Today's Gym Lesson:
Don't sit down. I went over this already, but I think it deserves to be repeated. If you're training for strength (like I am) you usually have a couple of minutes in between sets. Don't spend that time sitting. I would do one of two things:

1) Work smaller body parts such as calves, external rotators, serratus, etc between sets.

2) Walk around! I usually pace around the gym between sets. Today I probably got in an extra 10-15 minutes of activity just by walking around between sets. That's about 40-60 extra minutes of walking a week. Small changes can add up over time.

Here is today's training session.

1) Sumo Deadlift 135x5, 185x3, 205x3, 225x3, 235x2x3 (I set a new PR!)

2) RDL 180x3x6

3) 1 Leg Squat on a bench 3x6

4) Back Extension 35x3x12

5a) 1 Leg Standing Calf Raises 3x10
5b) Hanging Leg Raises 3x10

Training for strength is fun. I highly recommend it.

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