Friday, February 13, 2009

Today's Lesson and Workout

Don't think you're so special that you need to do more than 10 sets of bench presses in one workout with varying rep ranges. I saw a group of 5 guys (they were all under 150lbs) and they were using both benches for well over 30 minutes. They started out with sets of 8, then 10, then 12, then 15, and then I think they did several sets of 20. Yeah . . . they ended up doing sets with just the bar. Please people. Don't do this. It is not productive no matter what your goal is.

Before I headed off to the gym I spent time on the foam roller and then performed acute corrective exercises.

1a) Sumo Deadlift 195x2x5, 205x2x5 (these are my new favoritve exercise!)
1b) In/Out/Forward Calf Raises 4x8 each

2) RDL 170x3x6

3) Back Extensions 25x3x12

4a) Close Grip Bench 95x2x5, 100x3x5
4b) Sternum Chinup 6/5/5/5/4

5a) Cable Pressdown 80x2x8
5b) Zottman Curl 20x2x8

I finished off with some stretching.

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