Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I Love Deadlifts : )

Oh Tuesdays. How I love them because I get to deadlift! ; )

Got this morning started off in an interesting way - thunderstorms and tornado warnings, and no electricity for a while.

Now on to today's training session:

1) Rack Pull from mid shin - 275 x 2 x 5 (275 lbs, 2 sets, 5 reps each)

2) Deadlift using 35lb plates for greater ROM - 215 x 8

3a) DB Shrug - 2 sets
3b) Negative Ab Wheel Rollout/On Knees - 10/10, 10/10 (I did 10 negative ab wheel rollouts, rested a few seconds, and then did 10 rollouts from my knees, for 2 sets)

Working on a great new blog post that should be up tomorrow. Don't miss it.


Gordon Wayne Watts said...

Rack pull from mid-shin?

Wait a second: That's almost like the weight on the floor, isn't it?

In videos that I took of my deadlift form, it would appear that the bar already *is* mid shin at takeoff.

Does that mean you did rack pulls with the weight elevated just a couple inches off the floor?

Nia Shanks said...


I used to bottom hole of the power rack and that put the weight about mid-shin for me.

It's about 4 inches off the floor.

Gordon Wayne Watts said...

Thx. That's like putting it up on 4" blocks, which I have done a few times.

One guy at the gym said that will help with weak areas of the lift, like lockout.

Sometimes, getting the weight moving from a deficit -and locking it out -are easy, but the "mid range" seems to be a historic weak spot.

After having personally experienced this myself, I tend to agree with your analysis that it must be a leverage thing: that in some ways, the 4" deficit step is easier.