Friday, October 8, 2010

FULL Squats & More

Another great day of training to end the week.

1) Squat - 140 x 2 x 4 (140lbs, 2 sets, 4 reps each), 120 x 6 I've been asked before how low I squat. Technically you could say I perform full squats; I got well below parallel. Why? Because stopping when my hips are just below my knees doesn't feel natural. Besides, I have the mobility to perform full squats, so the real question is "why not"?

2) RDL - I used 35lb plates for these to get a great range of motion - 145 x 12, 155 x 10

3) Steep Decline Weighted Situps - 2 sets

After that I tried to play a little racquetball. It's very tough to do after squats. : )

Oh, and for today's eating:
Meal 1 - Breakfast shake (similar to yesterday but I used frozen mixed berries this time)

Meal 2 (post workout) - cereal again; I wanted something quick and easy

Meal 3 - to be determined; I'm going out tonight and I'll probably get some salmon with steamed veggies. May not sound all that great, but I love it. Oh, and probably some coconut shrimp as well. ; )

Have a great weekend everyone!


Gordon Wayne Watts said...

You wrote in your Jun 24, 2009 article "27 of the Best Weight Loss Exercises," ( the following:

"19) Planks—front and side planks are great exercises for your core. You’ll engage more muscle from these exercises than you ever would with crunches or sit-ups; not to mention, these are much more beneficial and healthier for your core and spine."

However, in your Friday, October 8, 2010 post for your blog (, you did this exercise:

3) Steep Decline Weighted Situps - 2 sets

Could you clarify on your analysis of sit-ups?



Gordon Wayne Watts said...

I forgot -- I happen to remember that you are a proponant of the Incline Reverse Crunch, as you have listed in your Exercise index in the program I bought.

Since you seem to say the crunches are also bad, even though you seem to support them elsewhere, would you also clarify on the dangers, etc. of crunches.

Thx again.!